Me, Marriage & MOtherhood: Week EIght


I was sOoO close to not making it here tonight. I had a plan to be in the bed by 10:45pm as I have kettlebell class in the AM and get up at 4:45am on the mornings I have class; ir’s currently 10:44pm…so I’m not going to make it. I’m realizing more and more that the more I make plans…the less things go according to plan.

Debated coming here as it’s late and who knows how long the blog will be?!?! But I made this commitment and want to honor it. Idk what it will be or what each blog will be about but I will be here every Tuesday from now till mid-April.

However…going to keep it short and sweet as I am tired and it’s already quite difficult to make it to class in the AMs and stay awake to do my morning practices before I head out. It’s now 10:52am so going to move along to…


SoOo grateful for where Gerard and I are in our marriage. Grateful for our communication. Grateful for our willingness to show up daily. Grateful for the opportunity to love him. Grateful to have a partner in life who inspires me to be my best. Grateful to get to journey through this chapter of life with him. Grateful to be able to show my kids what love can look like.


SoOo grateful for last week’s keep it real session where I was able to keep it real with me about my mommying. It’s sOoO complex?!?! Idk if it’s just me or if it’s my design energy that makes me feel this way. I have the sacral energy to get me through being a Mommy to 4 littles but we are a home full of emotional authority so someone is always somewhere on their wave. Grateful for the gift of Motherhood today. Grateful for my imperfections today. Grateful for the ability to feel all the feels that come with Motherhood.

Starting to get tired and my eyes are feeling weighted…

Thank you for this room and space to just be and share.

It ain’t over till it’s over and it’s currently 11pm. you still have an hour to enjoy the git of today.


Me, Marriage & Motherhood: Week Nine


Me, Marriage & Motherhood: Week Seven