Me, Marriage & Motherhood: Week Six


Since losing the baby my motivation to blog has somewhat fizzled. I’d been waiting for an opportunity to blog and felt as though the stars had aligned when I started blogging every Tuesday when I increased a week in my pregnancy.

I know I can blog till my birthday but I don’t have a mission, a drive, a spark connected to my blog anymore. I’ve been marinating on different ideas, challenges, and/or milestones to connect to my blog but have come up empty handed.

I really want to be mindful of my energy and connect to a topic that lights me up to blog about/around. One of the things I was marinating on blogging about/around was my Human Design but every time I sat down with the computer I was unable to tap into the energy to write…


Was working on an, ‘Introduction to Human Design’ report today and was filled with gratitude at having my Hubby’s design accessible! I feel like it is such a gift to have a visual display of his energetic make*up, it helps me to understand him in ways that are truly beneficial for the flow of our relationship.

I feel like as time passes my love for him deepens. I’ve been caught in a haze as of late with him where I’m just captivated by him; his smell, his face, his touch, his mind, his himness…I’m just like yes please! He also works my nerves, I get annoyed with him, I get frustrated, I get overwhelmed, I get distant, I get irritable and yet my gratitude for him and his presence in my life is unwavering. He is perfectly imperfect and although I have no idea what the future holds for us…I am sOoO grateful for our shared space in the here and now!


As of late ‘Motherhood’ has been filled with lessons learned and golden nuggets. My kids are all quite interesting and watching them grow and evolve is simply fascinating…their personalities, their viewpoints, their perspectives, their wordplay, their mannerisms…I’m grateful for the gift of motherhood and for the opportunity to be Mommy to 4 littles…

That’s all for today…

Until next week…

Enjoy the gift of today!


Me, Marriage & Motherhood: Week Seven


Me, Marriage & Motherhood: Week Five